Monday, February 23, 2009

trying my hand at something new... just for fun

ok, I'm was walking down the street and a little ditty popped in my head... guess I'm trying my hand at song lyrics... they are rhyme-ie and juvenile but that's all i got right now!

Look at the stars
look how they shine for you
and everything you do
and they were all yellow

WAIT, that one's taken isn't it... ok how about this...

Look up at the sky
the stars are bright tonight
I can never get enough of such a breathtaking sight

The winter moon is new
and the clouds are unseasonably few

He's pulling me along,
as i ponder this very song
all I hear is the crunching of my feet
as they crush the pavement on the street

Look up at the sky
the stars are bright tonight
I can never get enough of such a breathtaking sight

They send vision of grandeur like daggers to my brain
All i can do is wonder if i could possibly be going insane

Visions of he an I, and you and i and him and you, the collective us
All the thing we all can be and do if we just remain conscious

Look up at the sky
the stars are bright tonight
I can never get enough of such a breathtaking sight


So what? I'm like Bono huh? Just kidding :) Maybe I'll add to it another time when something comes to me. For now, I must shower! Zumba class went extra well today. I think i had almost 10 people. Also, i added 2 new dances and that made all the difference in the world. Variety really is the spice of life!

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